December 2020
Jessica and I have certain words that have special significance when we're talking about startups. The highest compliment we can pay to founders is to describe them as "earnest." This is not by itself a guarantee of success. You could be earnest but incapable. But when founders are both formidable (another of our words) and earnest, they're as close to unstoppable as you get.
ジェシカと私には、スタートアップについて特別に評価したいときに使うある言葉をがある。創業者に対して、もっとも高い賞賛を示すために使う言葉が「ひたむきである(earnest)」だ。 ひたむきであることは、それ自体が成功を保証するわけではない。あなたはひたむきになることはできただろうけど、それは十分ではなかったんだ。しかし、創業者たちが、困難にひたむきに立ち向かうとき、あなたがそうであるように、創業者たちは誰にも止められないようになる。
Earnestness sounds like a boring, even Victorian virtue. It seems a bit of an anachronism that people in Silicon Valley would care about it. Why does this matter so much?
When you call someone earnest, you're making a statement about their motives. It means both that they're doing something for the right reasons, and that they're trying as hard as they can. If we imagine motives as vectors, it means both the direction and the magnitude are right. Though these are of course related: when people are doing something for the right reasons, they try harder. [1]
The reason motives matter so much in Silicon Valley is that so many people there have the wrong ones. Starting a successful startup makes you rich and famous. So a lot of the people trying to start them are doing it for those reasons. Instead of what? Instead of interest in the problem for its own sake. That is the root of earnestness. [2]
動機が大切な理由は、シリコンバレーの多くの人々が間違った動機をを持っているからだ。裕福になったり、有名になるためにスタートアップをはじめる。自分自身のために取り組む。対照となるのはなんだろうか? 自分に関することだけに関心を持つわけではない。それこそが、真面目であることのルーツだ。